This weekend we braved the cold (just above freezing, I know we're wimps) to see if Aaron could catch the ever elusive steelhead down at Three tree point. No fish but we consider ourselves lucky to have evaded the downpour that hit about 20 minutes after we got home.
I took my book and my camping chair, snacks and a snuggly warm blanket to keep busy while he fished.
Unfortunately I didn't check the camera before we left the house and the battery was basically dead so these pictures are the few I snapped before the camera beeped loudly at me and shut itself off!!
This is a square of the afghan I have been working on for about six years that demostrates my first cable stitch. Yay for me!!
And I know this is hard to grasp but it showcases the baseboards and trim I put back up after six months of trying to decide if we were going to replace them or not. In the end we decided to put them back up because they look pretty good with the wood floors and they "don't cost nothin".