On Monday afternoon I put Matthew in his crib on his tummy like I usually do (I know I know but this is the only way he will go to sleep, and I check on him very regularly and at night I roll him over on his back). He fussed for a few minutes then got really quiet. When I went in to check on him he was on his back!! All by himself and I missed it dammit!!
Later on that day, I put him on his tummy in the living room to see if he would do it again. Thinking it would take some time, I turned on the TV and while I was searching for a program to watch out of the corner of my eye I saw him flip over. I put him back on his tummy and reached for the camera but before I could get it turned on and focused he had flipped again. So back on the tummy one more time. What you see above is all I managed get and then I freaked out just a teeny bit, I was so excited.
He has yet to repeat this magnificent performance so if it weren't for this video it could all have been a dream! I love technology!!