Last night Matthew and I headed up to Alex and Darcie's to join them and the Mason family for Trick or Treating. Daddy was having tummy trouble so he stayed home.
Our little dinosaur with the newly perfected version of his "smile"
Trooping down the street to the first house. That's Darcie on the right.
The whole crew. From L to R: Matthew, Elliot (Cpt. Kirk), Olliver (spider), Tessia (Tinkerbell)
This was a very short lived moment. I believe Alex said "no adults in the picture" so I let go of Matthew and Christine scooted out from the back and we all held our breath and snapped as fast as we could. I think it worked out fairly well. Jenn I thought you would be pleased to know that what you call "cat herding", Darcie calls Whack-a-Mole.
Our first house. Everyone was a little unsure how this whole thing worked. Matthew went right on into the living room and helped himself to a bunch of grapes from the bowl of plastic fruit on the coffee table. Yes, my kid was the one that felt he needed a tour of each house we stopped at. We got pretty good at having people block the door or grabbing a spike and holding on.
Elliot was very pleased with his first acquisition of the night.
Sometimes down is not as easy as up. Alex helping out with the parenting, Thanks Al!
Up to the door of the next house.
A little help from Christine with all those "Big Steps". At this point I would like to say that I come from a world of no steps (we live in a single level house in a flat neighbourhood and I work on the first floor of my office building) and entered a world of many, many steps (we were going around a hilly neighbourhood where all the houses are raised up above street level). Turns out Mummy needs to get back to the gym!
They were totally getting the hang of it now. Knock on the door...
This is a good shot of the GIANT spider on Olliver's back.
Step back and wait for someone to open it.
Smiley Tinkerbell
Matthew trying out the goods before he leaves the bowl in case he would like something else.
Thanks to Alex and Darcie for inviting us and supplying the eats both before and after T & Ting. Thanks to for Christine and Tim for helping out with the steps, traffic and general herding. I thought all the kids did great and loved Elliot's "cooze me" as he tried to politely remove the crowds on the steps! We had a great time and hope we can do it again.