On Wednesday Matthew and I headed down to Tacoma to visit the Point Defiance Zoo and meet up with my friend from chiropractic college, Anna Piianaia and her crew of little ones.
Matthew in front of the pool that the Tufted Puffins were swimming around in.
We managed to intercept this lady as she was walking along with this sloth hanging off her and we followed her to her demo tree. Sitting along the concrete in the front row is our crew of little critters: L to R: Sadie, Lela, Izzy, Matthew and Ian. Can you guess which one belongs to me? Anna really only has three but she brought her neice, Lela along.
Other than this sloth the real hot ticket at the zoo was the playground. Next time we get together we'll just go to a playground and save ourselves the $16 entry fee and all the hill climbing and stroller pushing.
Matthew watching the sea lions swim around.