Sunday, January 15, 2012
First Snow of the Winter
Today it snowed a little in the morning and melted shortly after our nap so when it really started coming down again, we got our poop in a group and got outside.
This much came down in about 1/2 an hour!
Uh oh, we've lost a mitten and seem to be having technical difficulties with our toque. I would like to point out once again that this is the hat Nana made for Matthew to come home from the hospital in!!
This is the snow suit M got from Grandma Joyce for Christmas.
It allowed him to play comfortably in the snow for about 45 minutes. I would also like to point out that these later photos were taken from inside the living room window. I don't have a snow suit.
one of the sounds of winter: the swish of ski pants
A Cold Sunny Day
Last Wednesday we all decided that we couldn't stand another day stuck in the house. Lucky for us it turned out to be a chilly but beautiful day.
First stop was a late lunch of delicious subs at the Elliot Bay Pizza Company.
Then we headed to Kerry Park overlooking the city and were treated to views of the city AND Mount Rainier.
This time we ventured down the stairs to check out the Dr. Seuss-ish playground at the bottom.
One last picture before we headed back to the car.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Christmas 2011 Part Five, 2nd Christmas
Because we were in Montana for Christmas proper, we planned a second Christmas with Grandma Joyce to open her gifts as well as the ones from Canada. This all took place on December 31st.
We started with what looked like a big fun present from Grandma Joyce.
Turns out it was a new snowsuit. You can see how excited Matthew is about it.
A present of little cars was much better received.
The plumber's crack we got glimpses of all afternoon.
We made Grandma Joyce wait until the very end to open her gift. We knew she would be excited and wanted to build the anticipation but I think she was trying not to get her hopes up and seemed very calm until she saw what it was.
Yup, she even did a little dance in it.
The end of the gift opening. We made quite a mess but its nice and clean under the tree!
We finished off the afternoon sitting quietly reading/listening to the recorded book from Claire and Daniel.
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful gifts, we have been enjoying them immensely.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Christmas 2011 Part Four, Ranching
The big excitement of the final day of our Christmas visit to Ennis was: RANCHING! At about noon (after a morning of: are we going ranching?, is it time to go ranching?, can we go ranching now?, is it time now?) we all piled in the truck and drove a couple miles to Jack's to get hay for Grandpa's horses.
That's me on the right in the red toque.
Resting after all that hard work. Notice there was no car seat required on this trip either!
Now that we were back in the pasture, the boys had to get the bale out of the back of the truck. After several attempts at gunning it in reverse then slamming on the brakes, which resulted in a lot of sliding backwards, Aaron hopped in the back to add some muscle.
One good shove...
And off it went.
Taking a bow after a job well done.
Farm boys.
Howling like a wolf/"doing the big eye". The big eye is a particular expression that Rick taught Aaaron when he was ittle that has been passed on to Matthew. Matthew added the sound effects.
Snuggles with Grandma.
Christmas 2011 Part Three, Christmas Day
On Christmas morning I managed to keep Matthew in bed until about 7:30. We all knew it would be an early morning just like always.
We started with the stocking.
Then Matthew got to dig into the pile of presents.
Which included two big trucks and two smaller but beefier trucks from Grandpa and Grandma. He kept saying "Holy Macaroni" over and over again.
One of the hits of the day that continues to please is the magnifying glass i picked up at the dollar store.
After a nap, Matthew and Daddy headed outside with the bat from Grandpa and Grandma to play a game of "baseball" with snowballs.
Daddy pitches while Matthew swings.
Matthew makes contact.
Then Matthew takes a turn throwing the snowballs.
Happy being outside.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Reindeer, Christmas 2011 Part Two
I think the highlight of the trip for Matthew was the small herd of mule deer that gathered in the yard for their morning and evening feeding. Each morning and afternoon Matthew would wake up asking if the reindeer had come back.
There they are all gathered in the yard just outside the kitchen.
There were three bucks who were more skittish than the does.
Aaron getting up close and personal on a trip to the car.
There they are coming right up to the porch.
Some of the deer that Aaron got to walk through when he went out to the car.
The does would even come right up to the window to try to smell the people.
Christmas 2011 Part One
On December 22 we drove the 14 1/2 hours to Ennis, Montana to spend Christmas with Grandpa Rick and Grandma Ida. It was a marathon journey but we made it all the way over the mountains with very little trouble.
Matthew's first order of business on the 23rd was to get outside and play in the snow. Ennis usually doesn't have a lot of snow but we got lucky and they got about a foot a day or two before we arrived. The weather was perfect: just below freezing so the snow stayed but warm enough that Matthew could happily play outside.
As soon as he was out the front door (and had managed to navigate the ice patch) he was into the snow.
Pick it up and throw it was the order of the day. He is wearing sunglasses because we discovered on a trip to Alberta that he is really sensitive to the glare off the snow.
Throwing snow at the house because I told him he couldn't throw it at me.
Throwing snow at Daddy who was happy to throw it back.
Sissy and Beau Grandpa Rick and Grandma Ida's two 7 month old golden retrievers we got to spend the holidays with.
Following the dogs into the deeper snow.
Daddy rescuing Matthew from being overtaken by the dogs.
So happy to be outside throwing snow.
Until he got a little too much on his face. This is completely self inflicted.
Happy to be inside again eating sugar cookies.
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