I mentioned once before that Archie likes to go to bed early. He tends to dribble off around 8 o'clock and this is where he can be found. Laying on his blanket in the bedroom out cold until I flip on the light. Although he wakes up he rarely moves, even if you accidentaly bump him in the nose with your foot (not that I have ever done that ;) ).
This is what happens when you leave archie alone in the back yard with the screen door closed. You said two weeks, right Colleen. It took him less than a week to be comfortable enough to be bad. Apparently we have some things to learn about living with Archie. Wasn't it nice of him to pose for the photo op?!
Another choice sleeping spot. Up against the long wall of the living room where one can properly elevate one's legs. I think he might like doggie Yoga.
Screen doors, while a bit painful, are replaceable - we had a similar experience.
Love the sleeping pose, brings new meaning to Downward Dog.
OK, that is the lamest dog bed in your bedroom that I have ever seen! No worries Archie! Auntie Colleen will bring you a nice new one from Costco, maybe one for the livingroom too!!
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