Monday, October 27, 2008

Archie's Friends

When Auntie Colleen came to visit at the end of May, she brought some stuffed squeaky toys for Archie.  When you have a dog that likes stuffies but doesn't destroy them they get all dog licked, dirty and kind of smelly.
But as you can see he loves them and we don't have the heart to throw them away.
Since he sleeps on the floor all alone (insert "awww" here), he like to snuggle with a stuffie.  Our only hope is all the dog lick will help them to disintegrate faster. 


Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

You could preform surgery and take the squeakers out. Wash them in the washing machine. put squeakers back. Makes for less stinky friends.

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

I want to see video of Archie at the dog park!!!

chiropollock said...

I don't know how to do video on this thing!!

Jenn said...

does he like the squeak bit? We just wash 'em with the squeakers in for Bosco. Even The Monkey goes in the wash.

Jenn said...

loved your comment about the labels, by the way - you're very witty in your own "knocked up" kinda way....