Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok so a few weeks ago I picked up the Renton Reporter and saw the crossword puzzle there in the back. I'd been thinking I could use a little brain exercise so the quest began. The first attempt was dismal, the second a little better although I have to admit the online crossword dictionary has been a pretty big help. This week though is the week where my true genius at doing the crossword is beginning to show.

I do have a question though...
Can anyone give me the answer to 29 down? 10 letters: Act of Improvement.
So far I have: ENIICYM_ _ _

Yeah that's right...I am GOOD AT THIS!!


Kathy P said...

Mmmkay ... I'm not saying that ENIICYM_ _ _ is wrong, but I think that "Betterment" is a 10 letter word for an act of improvement ...

Jenn said...

Stick with that Kathy, Steph...I think she's on to something.

chiropollock said...

You people have no faith!! And Kathy its not cool to show off on someone else's blog ;0

word ver: sulsa, what white people do when they go to a salsa class

Kathy P said...

No, no! I didn't say you were wrong! I was just suggesting that perhaps there is more than one right answer :)