Saturday, August 3, 2013

Father's Day

I've taken so long to do this post because I knew it was going to be a doozy.
On Father's Day we hopped on the ferry for Vashon Island to enjoy the day on the beach
 Alex really wanted to be outside on the ferry but the wind kept taking his breath away and he kept gulping to get more.
 As soon as we hit the beach the critter count started. 
 First in the bag, a crab shell

 Then a anemone.
 We found a great spot to stop and have a snack.
 Matthew and Daddy found live little crabs under the rocks
which Matthew really wanted to hold until he actually held one
Alex was super happy he got to chew on a giant carrot
Matthew and Daddy would head down to the water to look for critters
 while Alex, the carrot and I hung out at the picnic spot. 
 when a good critter was found they would run back up to us 
 so we could get the full experience.
 Even Alex got to touch them, until he tried to eat them.

 After the critters, they played on this tree

 then chased bubbles
 and watched them float down the beach.
The long walk back to the car.

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