Halloween evening started out by meeting Daddy at Grandma's so she could see the costumes before we got to trick or treating.
The Boys
First stop was Dennis and Janice's house in Daddy's neighborhood.
This was Alex's first actual trick or treating and he had no clue what was going on. We would take him up to the doorstep, set him down then back away. He would turn with a look on his face that said "why the heck are you leaving me on this strange doorstep in the dark by myself???" while Matthew rang the bell and yelled "Trick or Treat!!!". Then when the door was answered he would turn around and stare open mouthed at the strangers. He was interested in the candy part but if anyone tried to put it in his pumpkin pail, he would get really mad, pull it out and chuck it on the ground.
Needless to say, he didn't do many houses.
Between houses.
After a few houses in Daddy's neighborhood, the boys and I headed up the hill to do some more trick or treating closer to home.
Matthew was great. At every house he would pause at the end of the driveway, I would say "Do you want me to come with you?" and his reply for all but the house above (which was VERY well decorated) was "Its ok, I can handle this" and off he'd go. Alex rode along in the stroller snacking on toast bits.
All through the trick or treating Matthew kept telling me he was excited to go home so we could trade candy. Even though he was the only with candy when we got home, he dumped it all on the floor, instructed us to sit in a circle around it and he started to trade.
Matthew's best trade of the night: a ring pop (which I found stuck to the carpet after I got him into bed).
and Alex discovered lolly pops.
This one he took to the tub as it was getting out of hand very quickly.
Both were in bed by 9!!
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