Monday, June 2, 2014

Morning Routine

We have a pretty solid morning routine around here that begins in the kitchen.
 Alex sits on the counter top to see whats happening (could be dishes, making toast, making lunch.) Really if I'm in the kitchen doing something he is on the counter these days.  If I don't let him up there right away he wiggles in between me and the counter and pushes me and yells until I lift him up.

and Matthew gets the bowls of cereal on the table. After we eat its off to the bedroom to get dressed then brush the teeth and out the door to the car.  Most days we are right on time!
It sounds so simple when written down but in reality it is soooo much more complicated.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Thank you for that one line disclaimer at the end b/c I was sitting here feeling like an incompetent mom until I read the bit about it's not actually that simple.

When we used to drive Maddy it took 10 minutes to get from the house to the car. The car was IN THE DRIVEWAY. That's a helluva commute.