Monday, September 14, 2009

Nana's Blanket

Almost every time we put Matthew to sleep he grabs the blanket Nana made (whichever one of the two is in the crib) pulls it up over his face then down around his neck and cheeks and falls instantly asleep. It doesn't matter whether he is out cold when you put him in there or if he is wide awake, he feels so comforted and comfortable as long as he has his blanket. (sorry to have to post this Darcie but I know my Mum would be more than happy to make you one of her magic blankets)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can speak to the beauty that is The Magic Blanket. We actually have FIVE in our house at the moment (thank you Grandma Pollock). And I swear to you, when she has them all bundled in her arms,Maddie knows if one is missing.It's kind of like the princess and the pea.