Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nine Months Old!!!

Sunny Afternoons

A little Jim Morrison impression.

Officially 4 Years Old

This year Easter and Matthew's birthday coincidentally fell on the same day so after the egg hunt we came inside and opened presents.
 Among other things, he got a hot wheel race track which we set up while Alex took a nap.

 Despite my misgivings, this totally worked.  You can see the car on the track behind his head, after having passed through the loop.
 Daddy adjusting the track at the last moment to make sure the jump was a success.
 Yes!! It worked!

Alex joined the fun after a nice sleep.
 This cake was amazing and much larger than we needed. And no I did not make it myself.
Such a big boy.  We have weathered the terrible twos and threes and arrives at the fabulous fours.  It often amazes me what a cool, smart funny little boy we get to spend our days with.  How is it possible that he is four already?? My heart with a smile and outrageously curly hair running around outside my body.
 When people ask about him I say he is a kid who runs at life full speed with an open heart full of love.


Happy Easter 2013!!
 The bunny arrived in the night and left a basket full of goodies.
 After breakfast, Grandma arrived and we started the egg hunt.
 First discovered were two additional baskets, one for each of the boys.

 Alex got to follow in the stroller as the yard was much to wet to crawl around on.

A Study of Alex

These pictures courtesy of Matthew.  This is what Matthew sees when he sees Alex. Apparently he often gets a close up of his head.

Chuck E Cheese Celebration

This year Matthew chose to have his party at Chuck E Cheese's.  Although I was not excited about his choice we booked it anyway.

 Alex was somewhat awestruck by all the noise and lights and activity.

 This is Natalie, one of the girls Matthew goes to daycare with and who "is going to be his best friend for years and then they are going to get marries" as relayed by her mother.  Although I have it on good authority that Matthew is going to marry his mother when he grows up. 

 Matthew and Nayimah playing a zombie killing game.

 Having a LOT of fun!

 Celery will keep a baby busy only as long as he doesn't spy any of the other food available.

Heralding the arrival of the great Chuck E Cheese himself.

Crowned the man himself. 

 Still quite amazed by all of this.

 Totally jazzed that he got to meet the big rat.

 Bedecked in all his birthday finery.

 His first taste of cake was definitely a thumbs up type experience.

 Cake, the best part of the party.

 The whole birthday crew.

Cheers to truing 4!!