Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I don't have any pictures of this yet but I wanted to document it:

As I was unloading the dishwasher this morning, Matthew heard the clank of plates and came hightailing it around the island and beelined it to the cutlery holder. He started by just picking things out and holding them up for me to see but when he saw me taking silverware out and putting it in the drawer he got right to work. One at at time flung into the drawer up above his head. He did the picking and chucking and I did the organizing. Right down to the very last baby fork.

I managed to capture this while we were skyeping with Nana and Papa. Please know there is usually more parental supervision than this and the steak knives are removed before he starts to help.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of child labour! Nothing but good times ahead. Maddie can fold laundry better than Jason...