Monday, March 19, 2012

Mummy I Just Need a Coconut

The night before this video was taken Matthew woke up from a nightmare telling me he needed a coconut. After I laughed and got yelled at for laughing, I agreed to get him a coconut the next day. Thinking he had forgotten about it while we were playing the next morning he looked at me again and said "Mummy I just need a coconut." I asked why and his response "So I can drink the milk out of it with a straw". Duh. On our way home from work we stopped at the store and got a coconut, Daddy drilled three holes and we stuck a straw in it.

After he decided he wasn't a fan of coconut milk we had to open it to see what was inside. Turns out the actual coconut is as unimpressive as the milk.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I had no idea Aaron was such a coconut ninga.