Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween

Yes I totally made these!
 Ok so I bought the cupcakes but I totally decorated them!
Firefighter (fighter fighter) on his way into daycare.
The cool tank that really finishes off the costume.
Ready to go trick or treating with bucket and fire fighter rubber boots to add final touches.
 Alex the bat.
 There is a really cute hat with purple pointy ears somewhere but Matthew was playing with it and I have NO IDEA where it is.

 Trick or Treating. Matthew had a great time checking out the decorations and picking out candy at each house.  He kept saying "10 more houses" so eventually I had to start the count down.  
But it all worked out perfectly and as we got to 10 on the count down Matthew had to pee so we headed home to uncostume and have ONE piece of candy.

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