Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mariners 2013

This year for Grandma Joyce's birthday we celebrated by going to a Mariner's game.
 Matthew sat next to Grandma because she lets him have a little more reign than his parents.

 Alex could not keep his hands off this railing so he spent most of the game in his dad's lap.
 This game was the one where they let the little kids go down to the field to run the bases.  Little did we know when we got in the line that it would wind all the way up to the top of the stadium and most of the way around.  After an hour of mostly walking, we finally made it to the field.

 Aaron was the most excited of all.  They were hustling us so the pictures had to be quick.  The run around the bases took about 30 secs.  My camera failed me when I tried to take a video but here is the one Aaron took while they were running.

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