Sunday, September 14, 2014

Montana Day1,2 and 3

Unfortunately while we were in Idaho with Nana and Papa, Grandma Ida passed away.  So instead of heading west and homeward after camping, we headed East to Ennis to spend some time with Grandpa Rick.
On the way there Alex was eating gummy fish.  Most of them ended up in his seat as opposed to his mouth.  That combined with high tempos and a lack of AC lead to a rather sticky situation.
We were a day ahead of Aaron so we spent the first day hanging out doing fun stuff like feeding the horses.

And riding the electric tractor.

This was fun for both of them the first day and after that really only fun for Matthew.  Nothing like a big brother to figure out how to dump you out of the trailer.  After a few tumbles (and multiple whiplashes from sudden stops) Alex lost interest in riding in the back.

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