Friday, March 7, 2008

kitty Cat Highjinks

On a quick trip to kitchen rather late Saturday night I discovered Moe on top of the fridge. He has never been up there before that we know of so I was intrigued what led him up there.

He seemed quite pleased with himself and came over for a cheek rub.

There you are, you little !&*#.

This ledge is pretty narrow so turning around was a little sketchy.

"Now I have to get back down."

"I've still got my eye on you!!"
Turns out there was a stink bug on the side of the fridge that he was determined to get a hold of. Once he got it in his mouth it sprayed him and he took off. I stepped in and killed the ugly thing.


Jenn said...

Ok, two questions:
1. How on earth did he get up there? (obviously I am not a cat owner)
2. What the heck is a stink bug? (please do not take this as an invitation to blog a picture of said bug. I'm still recovering from The Spider Post).

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

I totally 2nd what Jenn said, not about the cat, about the bug!! As an individual who is coming to your house in approximately two 1/2 months, what the F#ck is a STINK BUG!!!!! How big are they? Does their spray harm you in anyway? What happens if you eat the bug (this is for Daniel)? Are they creepier that Ear Wigs? Seriously, do I need to bring mosquito netting since the cat obviously can't be depended on to protect us!!!!!!!

chiropollock said...

Wow, you people have been insulated by the snow cover for too long. Ok, he just jumped up on the counter by the microwave then up on the fridge. He's a cat they can get almost anywhere they shouldn't be. A stink bug looks like a small (half the size) version of a spruce bug but light brown rather than black.

chiropollock said...

To continue... As far as I know the stink doesn't hurt you and smells kind of like bad bathroom air freshener. I have no idea what happens if you eat it but I'll catch one and save it for D so he can test it. No they are not creepier than ear wigs (is anything???) and once you eat a couple spiders in the night you will be totally acclamated so no netting is necessary.

chiropollock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grandma pollock said...

I want to know what the comment is that was deleted by the author????

chiropollock said...

the deleted comment was just me blabbering on about nothing. I knew someone was going to be curioius about that!