Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mega Update Starting with the day of the Surgery

Ok so lets chronicle this thing properly:
We woke up bright and early on the morning of the 31st after a night of very little sleep and a lot of stress in order to be at the hospital by 7am.

This is the final belly photo taken just after getting out of bed at 39 weeks.
Here I am all changed into my hospital gowns and waiting for the nurses to arrive and get all the pre-op stuff started. I was extremely nervous not only about becoming a new Mum but also about having surgery.
The lovely couple. Aaron is in his scrubs that he talked the nurses into getting for him. Before the hospital stay was over he had two pairs! He was really excited to get that baby out and in his arms.
Not sure why I look so drugged out at this point because they didn't give me anything except saline in my IV. Maybe I was just tired.
I am on the table, freaking out, trying not to cry. The anesthetic was great and I only felt some pressure against my pelvis. No pain. Thank God because I was really worried about that. Aaron sat right at my head (trying to stay behind the teeny tiny curtain they put up) and held my hand through the whole procedure. He was great.
The very first pictures of Matthew Aaron Pollock Greenreich as the nurses from the NICU clean him off and do the first checks.
Poor little brand new naked baby on the scale in the OR.
There's little Matthew getting weighed. The scale finally settled on 5lbs 3oz.
All wrapped up Daddy finally brought him to me so I could see him for the first time. The anesthesiologist was nice enough to take this pictures for us.
Another picture of the cutie and his parents in the OR.
Now we are back in the room we started in. The surgery was scheduled for 9am and we were back in the room by 10. I was really out of it and don't remember a lot of this time. I do know the NICU nurse was asking me a lot of questions I had to rely on Aaron to answer.
These were the first real moments I got to spend with Matthew. It was short lived but very needed. We attempted to breast feed but since neither of us was coherent it didn't go well so we opted for finger feeding with formula to get some nourishment into him right away. The nurses were concerned that because his birth weight was low he needed to have supplementation so he didn't lose too much weight before my milk came in.
First hug.
Already in love.
There's my baby.

Snuggling in.
The eyes are almost open.
These are the best eyes in the world to gaze into. This picture was taken once we had moved into the room down the hall that would be our room for the next couple days and he was in from the NICU for a feeding.


Jenn said...

Yay for the update!

He is wonderful. I see a little bit of Claire and Daniel in one of those pictures.

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

God he is cute! Can't wait to see him in less than 24 hours!!!!

keely said...

Thanks for the updates! He is so adorable. hope things are going well.