Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trip #2 to Milersylvania

This past weekend we headed back down to Millersylvania for what was likely the final camping of the season.
Daddy and M chatting by the fire after we removed him from the tent for a run to the potty after he had smeared sunscreen all over the place. To say the least, Mummy was NOT happy.
Practicing balance with Daddy.

Things we learned Matthew was faster than while he was running in a circle around me:
1. a race car
2. a cow (idea supplied by mummy and scoffed at by the kid)
3. a Blue Angel
4. a Cheeto (and no this is not a typo)
5. a Cheeto flying a Blue Angel
6 a Rainbow (in explanation by M: there they are and poof they're gone)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

truer words were never said:

"there they are and poof they're gone"

words to live by.