Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cool Like David Bowie

This morning when Aaron and I were outside looking at the running stroller, I noticed that his pupils were different sizes. Knowing the potential for serious brain issues with pupils like this, we quickly rearranged our day and got in to see our optometrist. Turns out his oculomotor nerve (the one that controls his pupil) has been damaged either by an old trauma that has finally degenerated the nerve to this point or by an infection of the nerve by the herpes virus. It is not serious or vision threatening but it is permanent so from now on he is going to look like this. Weird I know, but I reassured him that despite his deformity, I would still love him.

1 comment:

Luis Santos said...

Just like mine, but with a not so big difference. The problem is that I was aware of that until my LASIK surgery...