Sunday, June 2, 2013

An Afternoon in the Yard

This post has a million pictures in it but I wanted to show you all what an afternoon hanging out in the yard with the kids and Auntie Kathy is like.  The first bunch of pictures of Auntie Kathy were taken by Matthew.  You can see what she will do to appease that kid.

 This next bunch is Matthew's antics.  He is always and repeatedly showing us how strong and fast he is.  He also often demonstrates his prowess as a T-rex.

 One of my favorite parts of M's body, his belly mole.

Next we have Alex practicing drinking from an almost empty cup.

 Matthew digging with his little feet crossed under him.

 The adorable and mostly happy Alex.

 As you have seen from past posts, I have started to let Matthew experiment with the DSLR camera.  He is often confused by all the buttons and dials but I am no help at all since I always have it set to Automatic mode.

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