Sunday, April 13, 2014

gymnastics Update

Last week Matthew moved up from gymsters to the 5-6 years old boys class.
There was no messing around and they got right to work.  The following pictures demonstrate how you start to teach a kid all those cool things you see on the Olympics.
They started on the rings.

 This one is the coolest.
 There were three boys in the class and they did a circuit.  So while one boy did the rings, one did this spider crawl , wall walk thing.

 And one did backwards somersaults.
 Then they went to the trampoline and started on backflips.

Topped off with a jumping high five.  From here they went to the parallel bars but they were waaay over in the back corner of the gym and we couldn't really see them.  Matthew LOVES this new class so it looks like Io will be spending a lot more time with the snotty mom's at the gym. :/

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