Monday, April 14, 2014

Matthew turns 5

 On March 29th we had several kids over for Matthew's dinosaur themed birthday.
 The chaos begins.
 I had planned a dinosaur excavation in the sand box but the weather was crappy so we moved it to a box of packing peanuts in the garage.
 apparently the best technique was to dive right in, head first.
 And when you a re two the best fun is to just throw handfuls of them up in the air.
 The gift opening was a group effort.

 Then we headed outside to kill the T-rex Piñata.

 Alex was totally uninterested.

 group photo, serious cat herding
 cake and then shortly thereafter is was all over.  it was maniacal and next year will be much smaller.
 Dimetrodon from Auntie Kathy
 Ankylosaur also from Auntie
 Dinosaur family
Birthday Boy

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