Saturday, July 19, 2014

Camping Daily Miscellaneous Activities

Making grass whistles 
Playing in the dripping water tap.
and checking on the bird who built her nest inside the post.
Roasting wieners over the fire.
Taking a bath in Nana's tiny tub.
The log ride.
 Oh and in this picture you can see William the little boy that Matthew made friends with who accompanied us to the bear presentation and on the nature hike.
This is the face Alex made while on the log ride.
reading with Nana before bed
Playing T-ball
Making fires in the drizzle
Eating those little boxes of cereal.

Sitting with Nana around the fire.
Collecting bugs
Getting a free ride and a free snack on the way back from buying wood
Playing with all the kids in the meadow in the middle of all the camp sites.
More sitting around the fire
Eating S'mores

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I love the picture of Nana and Alex.