Saturday, January 9, 2016

Taekwondo Halloween Party

The weekend before Halloween Proper, Matthew's after school program Ms. Mari's Martial Arts Center hosted a party.
We went with Rainbow Kitty and Skeleton thingy.
Rainboew Kitty was what Alex said he wanted to be for Halloween.  It is a combo of his favorite animal (kitty) and his favorite color (rainbow). and It. Is.Cute.
There was truck or treating.
Rainbow Kitty in all his face painted glory.
There were games:

Cake walk!!
Bobbing for Doughnuts 
Later in the afternoon there was a costume contest. Alex won in the four and under age group for Funniest Costume.  He was not nearly as thrilled as
the one who made the costume!
Matthew was too busy playing to take part in the contest.

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