Saturday, January 9, 2016

Twin Falls Hike

The next hike weekend, Daddy decided to stay home because it was raining.  My motto that day: we won't melt, get in the car.
By the time we got 15 minutes from home, the sun was shining and it was a lovely day.
Someone was nice enough to take picture of us and Matthew was nice enough to pretend we was sleeping while the picture was taken.
This is how Matthew hikes so he ends up going about half again as far as everyone else.
Our first look at the falls.

An amazingly huge rotted out tree trunk.

Lunch spot at the half way mark (2 miles)

The view from our lunch spot of the falls
A slightly closer view
The three of us. We are pretty dern awesome!
Here we are again!
On the way back, we went off trail and climbed down to the river.
Look at us.  I could totally use a selfie stick, my arms are just not long enough.

Of course Matthew found a cool bug.
How Alex hikes so he ends up going about half as far as everyone else.
Another nice hiker stopped to take a picture. 
Unfortunately, she takes pictures as good as my mom.
A well spent day.

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