Thursday, February 28, 2008

Trip to Canada

A week ago I had to make an unexpected trip to Canada. Although exhausting, I got to spend a few fun days with my neice and nephew and a couple Long days in the car with my sister. Thank goodness we like each other or I'm sure there would have been bloodshed before we got back to Edmonton on Thursday. I remember feeling so tired I wanted to cry.

Our big day was Saturday when Colleen and Curtis were going into town for shopping and dinner which meant I got to have some alone time with the kids. First on the docket was a trip to the sledding hill right near Onoway.

It looks really weenie from the road but when you are standing at the top ready to ride or

standing at the bottom having to walk back up, its a good sized hill.

We were out there for about an hour and half and did many runs down the hill and back up with an impromptu bathroom break (with no bathroom), a run away tube and a catastrophic fall in the snirt. This is D on his tube which did not survive unscathed the windswept roll acorss the road and the crash against the barbed wire fence.

Claire braves the hill on her super saucer.

Me laughing and squealing all the way down. You know it's just more fun if you scream.

Despite the numerous crashes and bruises we loved it.

After the sledding (I use this term because I don't know how to spell toboganning although we did have a big wooden one of those so technically that's what we were doing) we headed back to the house for our wii tournament, highschool musical, dinner, highschool musical two and a round of dragonolgy the board game. All of the above, except dinner, kicked my butt.
The kids got to choose what they wanted for dinner so we had: lasagna for Claire and I, pizza pockets for D, sugar snap peas, cheesy garlic bread and pez and cake for dessert. I know you wish I was your Auntie too!!
In the end Colleen and I decided it would be best if I quit my job and moved in with them so I can scrap book while she cleans. I'll miss you all but you can come sledding anytime.


grandma pollock said...

at last you are back, I was beginning to think all you bloggers had left cyberspace!!
Grandma Pollock

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

We had a wonderful time having you stay and how would you and I ever catch up if we didn't drive across Canada once every couple of years! Please bring your cute boy with your next time!

Can't wait to spend time with you and Aaron in June in Seattle!