Here's the one we have all been waiting for. We were not due until April 5th and had had no contractions or anything so when I went to my regular appointment on Monday, I was expecting to be told to go home and keep waiting. Well my doctor did some palpation and got a feeling that the baby was kind of small for his gestational age so she sent me for an ultrasound. While having the ultrasound, comments were made about size and amniotic fluid but no one would really tell me what was going on.
About two hours later I got a call from my OB who said the results of the ultrasound told us the placenta was "pooping out on us" leading to decreased amniotic fluid and a need to get the baby out. She decided on a C-section because my cervix was not doing anything an induction would have taken about 36 hours just to get my cervix open and she was not willing to leave the baby in there with a dying placenta. So all this news dropped on us at about 2pm on Monday and we went to the hospital at 7am the next morning and out of surgery by 10am.
To say the least it threw us into a bit of a panic but we are three days on the other side of it and we are all coming along just fine. Mum and Dad are here after a marathon 2 day trip from Manitoba so we have some help and we have tons of fabulous people here who have offered their help as well.
This is the two of us in the recovery room. Kathy just happened to be in the area at the right time and stopped by to see how we were doing. I look like I have had several drinks and really was pretty out of it still. Even though they only did a spinal, I was really dizzy and nauseous for almost 10 hours.
Here's the rock star himself, Matthew Aaron Pollock Greenreich (not hyphenated, two middle names). He was about an hour old. He weighed 5lbs 3oz. and was about 18 inches long. He has begun to take to nursing but because he was so small and can't afford to loose any weight we are also supplementing with formula until I can produce enough to keep putting weight on him. He is doing great and we are all adjusting to this whole not sleeping thing (it's amazing how little sleep one can get and still function).
I am so excited for you guys. Thinking of you lots and lots.
Congrats Steph...your little man is a cutie!!! Welcome to a lifetime of "Mommy Brain"!! That's what i call it when you try to function on little sleep and can't remember....anything!
Congratulations! So exciting to hear!!! Glad everything turned out ok...i empathize with the c-section "shock". Hope you are at least getting some rest! lots of naps for you and babe. Cheers!
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